Great Clown Portraits Are Just The Beginning!!!!

I have been creating a a unique design in my art studio for the past 1  1/2 years…

The project has been well documented in photos and video with over 100 videos on Facebook live.  I have also created a few videos showing the process of painting several areas. This is the one I made on the The Hole in the Tent.  The hole was created by the Monkey- who is on top of the door with the scissors, the clown is trying to coax the monkey down to take away the sissors with a banana.  Through the hole we can see mountains, a lake, trees, and a hot air balloon up in the sky.

This whole area was created because in the design of my circus tent room, the framing did not have the same arch as the ceiling in the rest of the room, do to the area being the inside corner in the framing of the room.

The Hole In The Tent -Art Studio Revamp

Artist Patty Sue O’Hair – Vicknair

Located in Fayetteville Arkansas

Music by Kevin MacLeod Modern Jazz Samba



Patty Sue O’Hair – Vicknair Clown artist to the world

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